Northern Saw-whet Owl Research

We have been studying these nocturnal owls since 1990. We have placed 100 nest boxes for these birds in and around Estes Park, Colorado. We have also been operating banding stations targeting these birds. The banding stations are operated from mid-September through mid-November.

We work in conjunction with Project Owlnet. Project Owlnet is a nationwide research project that targets these tiny nocturnal owls in the fall. The project includes placing a series of mist nets in a wooded area. Then the call of the owl is broadcasted. The owls come to the call and fly around the speakers and land in the nets. They are extracted processed and released.

Watch the video below.


Below is some information about these owls that we have found.

1) We have never had the same pair of Northern Saw-whet Owls nest in the same location for more than a single year.

2) Northern Saw-whet Owls do not mate with the same mate for more than a single year.

3) The preferred prey of the Northern Saw-whet Owl appears to be deer mice.

4) Eggs are laid every two to three days and incubation begins with the first egg laid.

5) The young fledge in the order that they hatched.

6) Fledgling owlets instinctively perch next to the trunk of a tree, during the day, once out of their nests.

We have been banding these owls for over 20 years and have had some interesting recoveries of our banded birds.

The following owls have been recovered

0924-58637 was banded in Pinewood Springs, Colorado on 9/24/2009 and recovered in Estes Park, Colorado on 9/20/2011.

1014-46947 was banded in Estes Park, Colorado on 9/1/2016 and recovered in the same location on 11/10/2017.

*1014-28547 was banded in Estes Park on 10/4/2012 and recovered in Eastern Pennsylvania on 11/5/2016!

Northern Saw-whet Owl The Deep Woods Gnome, is Scott’s new book. Order your copy from Amazon Here

Or from Scott Here